Report 18/2015

7 maja 2015

Current Report No. 18/2015 dated 8 June 2015

Stabilising actions related to the Initial Public Offering of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A.

Legal basis: Other regulations

Contents of the report:

The Management Board of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. (the “Company”) hereby announces, on the basis of the information contained in a letter on 5 June 2015 from UniCredit Bank AG, London Branch, which was serving as a stabilisation manager, in the meaning ascribed thereto in the Company’s prospectus approved by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority on 10 April 2015 (the “Prospectus”) (the “Stabilisation Manager”), that in the stabilisation period, i.e. in the period from the date of the first quotation of shares in the Company and rights to shares in the Company on the regulated market maintained by Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A. (i.e. from 7 May 2015) to the end of the stabilisation period (i.e. 5 June 2015) no actions aimed at stabilising the shares or rights to shares were undertaken, and that the Stabilisation Manager did not acquire any of the shares in the Company and rights to shares in the Company for the purpose of stabilising the price thereof in accordance with the stabilisation agreement, in the meaning ascribed thereto in the Prospectus (the “Stabilisation Agreement”).

Legal basis: Art. 9 (3) of the Regulation of the Commission (EC) No. 2273/2003 of 22 December 2003 implementing Directive 2003/6/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to exemptions for buy-back programmes and the stabilisation of financial instruments.

Signatures of the individuals representing the Company:

Jacek Świderski – President of the Management Board
Elżbieta Bujniewicz-Belka – Member of the Management Board and CFO