Current Report No. 4/2015 dated 5 May 2015


Legal basis: Article 56, section 1.2a of the act dated 29 July 2005 on public offering, the conditions governing the introduction of financial instruments to organised trading, and public companies, as amended.

Contents of the report:

The management board of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. (the “Company”) hereby publicly announces information on the completed public subscription for series B and series E shares in the Company.

All capitalised terms used in this current report and not defined otherwise herein have the meanings assigned to them in the prospectus for shares in the Company approved by the Financial Supervision Authority on 10 April 2015.

1) Date of opening and closing of the subscription or sale:
Date of opening and closing of the subscription for Retail Investors:
The opening of subscription: 15 April 2015.
The closing of subscription: 22 April 2015.

Date of opening and closing of the subscription for Institutional Investors:
The opening of subscription: 24 April 2015.
The closing of subscription: 28 April 2015.

2) Date of the allotment of securities:
30 April 2015

3) Number of securities covered by the subscription or sale:
9.192.378 shares in the Company were covered by the subscription and sale, of which:
i. 3.339.744 were ordinary bearer series E shares,
ii. 5.852.634 were ordinary bearer series B shares.

4) Reduction rate for individual tranches in the event that in any tranche the number of the allotted securities was smaller than the number of securities that were subscribed for:
The reduction rate among the Retail Investors was: 83.138%.
There was no reduction among the Institutional Investors.

5) Number of securities that were subscribed for under the subscription or sale:
Investors placed subscription orders for 15.990.853 shares, of which:
i. Retail Investors placed subscription orders for 8.177.332 shares;
ii. Institutional Investors placed subscription orders for 7.813.521 shares.

6) Number of securities that were allotted under the subscription or sale:
A total of 9.192.378 shares were allotted to the investors, of which 3.339.744 were series E shares in the Company and 5.852.634 were series B shares in the Company.

7) Price at which the securities were acquired (taken up):
The Offer Shares were acquired and sold at the price of PLN 32.00 per Offer Share.

8) Number of persons who subscribed for securities covered by the subscription or sale in individual tranches:
7.726 investors placed subscription orders in the course of the Offering, of whom, in the individual tranches:
i. 7.379 were Retail Investors;
ii. 347 were Institutional Investors.

9) Number of persons who were allotted securities under the subscription in individual tranches:
Under the Offering shares in the Company were allotted to 7,726 investors, of which, in the individual tranches:
i. 7.379 were Retail Investors;
ii. 347 were Institutional Investors.

10) Name (business name) of the underwriters that have taken up the securities under underwriting agreements, with the specification of the number of the securities they have taken up along with the actual unit price per security (the issue price or the sale price after the deduction of the fees charged for taking up one security acquired in performance of an underwriting agreement:

No shares in the Company were taken up or acquired by the Underwriters under the Underwriting Agreements.

11) Value of the subscription or sale, understood as the product of the number of the securities offered in the Offering and the issue or sale price:
The value of the completed Offering was PLN 294.2 million.

12) Total costs that were recognised as the costs of the issuance, broken down by type of cost:

As at the date of this report, the Company does not have information about the final settlement of the costs of the issue. These costs will be publicly announced in the form of a current report after the Company has received the list of all such costs from the entities involved in work on the preparation and conducting of the Offering and has approved such costs.

13) Average cost of the implementation of the subscription or sale attributable to one security covered by the subscription or sale:

As at the date of this report, the Company does not have information about the final settlement of the costs of the issue. These costs will be publicly announced in the form of a current report after the Company has received the list of all such costs from the entities involved in work on the preparation and conducting of the Offering and has approved such costs.

Legal basis: § 33 section 1 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance dated 19 February 2009 on current and periodic information published by issuers of securities and on the conditions under which such information may be recognised as being equivalent to information required by the laws of a non-member state.

Signatures of the representatives of the Company:
Jacek Świderski – President of the Management Board
Elżbieta Bujniewicz – Belka – Member of the Management Board/CFO