Report 17/2024

Notification of transactions on Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. shares – donation of shares by a managing person to a person closely related to the managing person

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Report 16/2024

Issuance of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Poland Holding SA as a part of execution of the Managerial Option Program of 2015 and change of the Company’s ...

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Report 15/2024

Notification of transactions on Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. shares – taking up of shares by a managing person under the managerial option program of 2015

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Report 14/2024

Notification of transactions on Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. shares – taking up of shares by a managing person under the managerial option program of 2015

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Report 13/2024

Notification of transactions on Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. shares – donation of shares by a managing person to a person closely related to the managing person and establishment ...

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Report 12/2024

The list of shareholders entitled to at least 5% of the votes at Ordinary General Meeting of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. convened on June 21, 2024

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Report 11/2024

Resolution of the General Meeting of the WPH S.A. on the allocation of the Company’s net profit for year 2023

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Report 10/2023

Resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. convened on 21 June 2024

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Report 9/2024

Signing of a binding conditional transaction regarding purchase of shares in Creative Eye S.R.L. by Zrt. – a subsidiary of the Issuer

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Report 8/2024

Admission and introduction to trading on the Main Market of the Stock Exchange of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Polska Holding SA as a part of ...

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Report 7/2023

Announcement on convening the Ordinary General Meeting of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. and draft resolutions to be voted on during the meeting

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Report 6/2024

Issuance of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Poland Holding SA as a part of execution of the Managerial Option Program of 2015 and change of the Company’s ...

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Report 5/2024

Proposal of the Management Board of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. on the allocation of the Company's net profit for year 2023 and a positive opinion of the Company's Supervisory ...

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Report 4/2024

Conclusion of a new loan agreement by the Wirtualna Polska Holding SA Capital Group in order to increase the credit line to finance acquisitions and refinance the existing ...

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Report 3/2024

Admission and introduction to trading on the Main Market of the Stock Exchange of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Polska Holding SA as a part of execution ...

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Report 2/2024

Issuance of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Poland Holding SA as a part of execution of the Managerial Option Program of 2015 and change of the Company’s ...

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Report 1/2024

Dates of publication of periodic reports in 2024 and information on submitting consolidated reports

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Report 31/2023

Significant block of shares/ change in share ownership – correction of notification

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Report 30/2023

Significant block of shares/change in share ownership

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Report 29/2023

Admission and introduction to trading on the Main Market of the Stock Exchange of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Polska Holding SA as a part of ...

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Report 28/2023

The list of shareholders entitled to at least 5% of the votes at Extraordinary General Meeting of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. convened on November 8, 2023

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Report 27/2023

Appointment of a member of the Supervisory Board of the Company

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Report 26/2023

Resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. convened on November 8, 2023

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Report 25/2023

Issuance of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Poland Holding SA as a part of execution of the Managerial Option Program of 2015 and change of the Company’s ...

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Report 24/2023

Announcement on convening the Extraordinary General Meeting of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. and draft resolutions to be voted on during the meeting

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Report 23/2023

Shareholder's request to convene the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders and draft resolution

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Report 22/2023

Notification on transaction on shares of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A.

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Report 21/2023

Admission and introduction to trading on the Main Market of the Stock Exchange of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Polska Holding SA as a part of ...

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Report 20/2023

Issuance of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Poland Holding SA as a part of execution of the Managerial Option Program of 2015 and change of the Company’s ...

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Report 19/2023

Finalizing the acquisition of shares and subscription warrants entitling to conversion to Audioteka S.A. shares

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Report 18/2023

Registration by the court of changes in the Articles of Association of the company Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A.

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Report 17/2023

Fulfillment of the condition precedent for the transaction regarding purchase of shares and subscription warrants in Audioteka SA, in the form of the decision on consent ...

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Report 16/2023

The list of shareholders entitled to at least 5% of the votes at Ordinary General Meeting of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. convened on June 21, 2023

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Report 15/2023

Resolution of the General Meeting of the WPH S.A. on the allocation of the Company’s net profit for year 2022

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Report 14/2023

Resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. convened on June 24, 2022

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Report 13/2023

Admission and introduction to trading on the Main Market of the Stock Exchange of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Polska Holding SA as a part of ...

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Report 12/2023

Conclusion of a transaction regarding purchase of shares and subscription warrants in Audioteka SA

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Report 11/2023

Announcement on convening the Ordinary General Meeting of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. and draft resolutions to be voted on during the meeting

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Report 10/2023

Significant block of shares/ change in share ownership

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Report 9/2023

Issuance of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Poland Holding SA as a part of execution of the Managerial Option Program of 2015 and change of the Company’s ...

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Report 8/2023

Information on the final purchase price of 100% of shares in Zrt.

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Report 7/2023

Proposal of the Management Board of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. on the allocation of the Company's net profit for year 2022 and a positive opinion of the Company's Supervisory ...

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Report 6/2023

Admission and introduction to trading on the Main Market of the Stock Exchange of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Polska Holding SA as a part of ...

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Report 5/2023

Preliminary unaudited results of the Wirtualna Polska Holding Group in 2022

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Report 4/2023

Change of publication date of annual report and consolidated annual report for 2022

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Report 3/2023

Issuance of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Poland Holding SA as a part of execution of the Managerial Option Program and change of the Company’s share ...

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Report 1/2023

Significant block of shares/ change in share ownership

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Report 23/2022

Conclusion of acquisition of shares in Selsey sp. z o.o. and disposal of shares in Homebook sp. z o.o.

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Report 22/2022

Conclusion of an transaction regarding acquisition of shares in Mediapop Sp. z o.o.

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Report 21/2022

Admission and introduction to trading on the Main Market of the Stock Exchange of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Polska Holding SA as a part of ...

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Report 20/2022

Closing of the acquisition of 100% of shares of Zrt. due to the fulfillment of the conditions precedent

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Report 19/2022

Issuance of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Poland Holding SA as a part of execution of the Managerial Option Program and change of the Company’s share ...

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Report 18/2022

Conclusion of a transaction regarding purchase of shares in Selsey sp. z o.o. and disposal of shares in Homebook sp. z o.o.

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Report 17/2022

Conclusion of a transaction regarding purchase of shares in Audioteka SA and disclosure of delayed confidential information

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Report 16/2022

Publication of the supplementary Management Board's statement to the consolidated financial report for the 3 and 6 months ended June 30, 2022

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Report 15/2022

Conclusion of a share purchase agreement regarding Szallas Group and disclosure of delayed confidential information

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Report 14/2022

Admission and introduction to trading on the Main Market of the Stock Exchange of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Polska Holding SA as a part of ...

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Report 13/2022

Issuance of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Poland Holding SA as a part of execution of the Managerial Option Program and change of the Company’s share ...

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Report 12/2022

The list of shareholders entitled to at least 5% of the votes at Ordinary General Meeting of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. convened on June, 24, 2022

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Report 11/2022

Resolution of the General Meeting of the WPH S.A. on the allocation of the Company’s net profit for year 2021

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Report 10/2022

Resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. convened on June 24, 2022

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Report 9/2022

Admission and introduction to trading on the Main Market of the Stock Exchange of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Polska Holding SA as a part of ...

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Report 8/2022

Announcement on convening the Ordinary General Meeting of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. and draft resolutions to be voted on during the meeting

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Report 7/2022

Issuance of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Poland Holding SA as a part of execution of the Managerial Option Program and change of the Company’s share ...

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Report 6/2022

Signing an investment agreement regarding Restaumatic sp. z o.o.

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Report 5/2022

Proposal of the Management Board of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. on the allocation of the Company's net profit for year 2021 and a positive opinion of the Company's Supervisory ...

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Report 4/2022

Admission and introduction to trading on the Main Market of the Stock Exchange of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Polska Holding SA as a part of ...

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Report 3/2022

Recognition of payment for S.A. shares in the Issuer's financial statements

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Report 2/2022

Issuance of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Poland Holding SA as a part of execution of the Managerial Option Program and change of the Company’s share ...

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Report 1/2022

Dates of publication of periodic reports in 2022 and information on submitting consolidated reports

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Report 33/2021

Conclusion of an agreement recognizing the debt and postponing the obligation to pay the price for the shares of S.A. based in Katowice by the Issuer's subsidiary

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Report 32/2021

Admission and introduction to trading on the Main Market of the Stock Exchange of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Polska Holding SA

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Report 31/2021

Issuance of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Poland Holding SA and change of the Company’s share capital

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Report 30/2021

Reaching 100% of shares in the share capital of sp.z o.o. based in Lublin by a subsidiary

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Report 29/2021

Resignation of the Member of Supervisory Board of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A.

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Report 28/2021

Appointment of Members of the Management Board of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. for a new term of office and determining the number of Members of the Management Board

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Report 27/2021

Admission and introduction to trading on the Main Market of the Stock Exchange of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Polska Holding SA

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Report 26/2021

Registration by the court of changes to the Articles of Association of the company Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A.

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Report 25/2021

Issuance of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Poland Holding SA and change of the Company’s share capital

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Report 24/2021

Notification of transaction on shares of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A.

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Report 23/2021

Admission and introduction to trading on the Main Market of the Stock Exchange of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Polska Holding SA

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Report 22/2021

Acquisition of a solar farm by a subsidiary

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Report 21/2021

Purchase of shares in sp.z o.o. by subsidiary

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Report 20/2021

Issuance of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Poland Holding SA and change of the Company’s share capital

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Report 19/2021

The list of shareholders entitled to at least 5% of the votes at Ordinary General Meeting of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. convened on June, 15, 2021

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Report 18/2021

Registration of shares in the depository of the National Depository of Securities

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Report 17/2021

Appointment of members of the Supervisory Board of the Company

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Report 16/2021

Appointment of Mr. Jacek Świderski as the President of the Management Board of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A.

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Report 15/2021

Resolution of the General Meeting of the WPH S.A. on the coverage of the Company's net loss for year 2020 and allocation of the Company’s previous profits

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Report 14/2021

Resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. convened on June 15, 2021

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Report 13/2021

Addendum to the Current Report 11/2021 dated May 19, 2021 on convening the Ordinary General Meeting of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. – documents to be discussed at the ...

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Report 12/2021

Candidate for the Supervisory Board member nominated by a Shareholder

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Report 11/2021

Announcement on convening the Ordinary General Meeting of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. and draft resolutions to be voted on during the meeting

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Report 10/2021

Notification of transaction by person performing managerial responsibilities

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Report 9/2021

Proposal of the Management Board of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. on the coverage of the Company's net loss for year 2020 and allocation of the Company’s previous profits ...

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Report 8/2021

Notification of transaction on shares of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. - acquisition of shares by a person performing managerial responsibilities under the managerial stock ...

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Report 7/2021

Information on the creation of a provision for part of the receivable resulting from the exercise of the put option for S.A. shares, the recognition of deferred ...

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Report 6/2021

Issuance of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Poland Holding SA and change of the Company’s share capital

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Report 5/2021

Admission and introduction to trading on the Main Market of the Stock Exchange of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Polska Holding SA

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Report 4/2021

Decision of Head of Małopolski Tax and Customs Office on tax control of Wirtualna Polska Media – subsidiary of Wirtualna Polska Holding

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Report 3/2021

Registration of shares in the depository of the National Depository of Securities

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Report 2/2021

Dates of publication of periodic reports in 2021 and information on submitting consolidated reports

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Report 1/2021

Conclusion of an agreement to act as the issuer's share market maker

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Report 42/2020

The fifth call to submit subscription warrant documents of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A.

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Report 41/2020

The fifth call to submit share documents of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A.

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Report 40/2020

The fourth call to submit subscription warrant documents of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A.

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Report 39/2020

The fourth call to submit share documents of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A.

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Report 38/2020

Erratum of an editorial error in the Financial Report of the WP Capital Group for the period of 3 and 9 months ended on September 30, 2020.

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Report 37/2020

Issuance of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Poland Holding SA and change of the Company’s share capital

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Report 36/2020

Admission and introduction to trading on the Main Market of the Stock Exchange of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Polska Holding SA

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Report 35/2020

The third call to submit subscription warrant documents of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A.

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Report 34/2020

The third call to submit share documents of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A.

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Report 33/2020

Registration of shares in the depository of the National Depository of Securities

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Report 32/2020

The second call to submit subscription warrant documents of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A.

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Report 31/2020

The second call to submit share documents of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A.

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Report 30/2020

The first call to submit subscription warrant documents of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A.

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Report 29/2020

The first call to submit share documents of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A.

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Report 28/2020

The list of shareholders entitled to at least 5% of the votes at Extraordinary General Meeting of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. convened on August 21, 2020

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Report 27/2020

Appointment of a member of the Supervisory Board of the Company

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Report 26/2020

Resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. convened on August 21, 2020

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Report 25/2020

Registration by the court of changes in the Articles of Association of the company Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A.

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Report 24/2020

Issuance of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Poland Holding SA and change of the Company’s share capital

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Report 23/2020

Admission and introduction to trading on the Main Market of the Stock Exchange of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Polska Holding SA

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Report 22/2020

Registration of shares in the depository of the National Depository of Securities

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Report 21/2020

Announcement on convening of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. and draft resolutions to be voted on during the meeting

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Report 20/2020

The list of shareholders entitled to at least 5% of the votes at Ordinary General Meeting of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. convened on July 14th, 2020

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Report 19/2020

Resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. convened on July 14th, 2020

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Report 18/2020

Shareholder's request to convene the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders and resignation of the Member of Supervisory Board of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A.
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Report 17/2020

Announcement on convening the Ordinary General Meeting of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. and draft resolutions to be voted on during the meeting

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Report 16/2020

Conclusion of an annex to the shareholders agreement/Purchase of shares in sp.z o.o.

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Report 15/2020

Issuance of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Poland Holding SA and change of the Company’s share capital

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Report 14/2020

Admission and introduction to trading on the Main Market of the Stock Exchange of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Polska Holding SA

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Report 13/2020

Proposal of the Management Board of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. on the allocation of the Company's net profit and a positive opinion of the Company's Supervisory Board
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Report 12/2020

Registration of shares in the depository of the National Depository of Securities

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Report 11/2020

Issuance of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Poland Holding SA and change of the Companys’ share capital

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Report 10/2020

Admission and introduction to trading on the Main Market of the Stock Exchange of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Polska Holding SA

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Report 9/2020

Registration of shares in the depository of the National Depository of Securities

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Report 8/2020

New credit facility agreements by the Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. increasing acquisition facilities the credit line for financing acquisition. Public disclosure of delayed ...

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Report 7/2020

Result of tax control in Wirtualna Polska Media – subsidiary of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. conducted by the Head of the Małopolski Tax and Customs Office for the fiscal ...

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Report 6/2020

Issuance of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Poland Holding SA and change of the Companys’ share capital

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Report 5/2020

Admission and introduction to trading on the Main Market of the Stock Exchange of ordinary bearer series D and F shares of Wirtualna Polska Holding SA

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Report 4/2020

Change of registered office address of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw

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Report 3/2020

Dates of publication of periodic reports in 2020 and information on submitting consolidated reports

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Report 2/2020

Notification of transaction on shares of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A.

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Report 1/2020

Registration of shares in the depository of the National Depository of Securities

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Report 19/2019

Current Report No. 19/2019 dated 30 August 2019

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Raport 18/2019

Current Report No. 18/2019 dated 28 August 2019

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Report 17/2019

Current Report No. 17/2019 dated 6 August 2019

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Report 16/2019

Current Report No. 16/2019 dated 2 August 2019

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Report 15/2019

Current Report No. 15/2019 dated 27 May 2019

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Report 14/2019

Current Report No. 14/2019 dated 24 May 2019

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Report 13/2019

Current Report No. 13/2019 dated 22 May 2019

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Report 12/2019

Current Report No. 12/2019 dated 16 May 2019

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Report 11/2019

Current Report No. 11/2019 dated 14 May 2019

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Report 10/2019

Current Report No. 10/2019 dated 14 May 2019

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Report 9/2019

Current Report No. 9/2019 dated 14 May 2019

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Report 8/2019

Current Report No. 8/2019 of 16 April 2019

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Report 7/2019

Current Report No. 7/2019 of 1 April 2019

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Report 6/2019

Current report No. 6/2019 dated 26 of March 2019

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Report 5/2019

Current Report No. 5/2019 dated 1 March 2019

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Report 4/2019

Current Report No. 4/2019 dated 27 February 2019

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Report 3/2019

Current report No. 3/2019 dated February 13, 2019

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Report 2/2019

Current Report No. 2/2019 dated 12 February 2019

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Report 1/2019

Current Report No. 1/2019 dated 21 January 2019

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Report 27/2018

Current Report No. 26/2018 dated 14 December 2018

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Report 26/2018

Current Report No. 26/2018 dated 14 December 2018

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Report 25/2018

Current Report No. 25/2018 dated 12 December 2018

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Report 24/2018

Current Report No. 24/2018 dated 27 November 2018

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Report 23/2018

Current Report No. 23/2018 of October 29, 2018

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Report 22/2018

Current report no. 22/2018 dated 29 October 2018

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Report 22/2018

Current report no. 22/2018 dated 29 October 2018

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Report 21/2018

Current report 21/2018 dated 29 October 2018

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Report 20/2018

Current Report No. 20/2018 dated 19 September 2018

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Report 19/2018

Current Report No. 19/2018 dated 17 September 2018

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Report 18/2018

Current Report No. 18/2018 dated 4 September 2018

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Report 17/2018

Current report 17/2018 dated 4 September 2018

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Report 17/2016

Current Report No. 17/2015 dated 29 August 2016

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Report 16/2018

Current Report No. 16/2018 of 4 July 2018

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Report 15/2018

Current Report No. 15/2018 dated 29 June 2018

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Report 14/2018

Current Report No. 14/2018 dated 29 June 2018

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Report 13/2018

Current Report No. 13/2018 dated 27 June 2018

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Report 12/2018

Current Report No. 12/2018 dated 14 June 2018

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Report 11/2018

Current report 11/2018 dated 17 May 2018

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Report 10/2018

Current Report No. 10/2018 dated 27 April 2018

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Report 9/2018

Current Report No. 9/2018 dated 25 April 2018

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Report 8/2018

Current Report No. 8/2018 dated 25 April 2018

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Report 7/2018

Current Report No. 7/2018 of April 11, 2018

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Report 6/2018

Current Report No. 6/2018 dated 4 April 2018

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Report 5/2018

Current Report No. 5/2018 of 29 March 2018

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Report 4/2018

Current Report No. 4/2018 dated 29 March 2018

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Report 3/2018

Current report 3/2018 dated 15 March 2018

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Report 2/2018

Current Report No. 2/2018 dated 9 March 2018

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Report 1/2018

Current Report No. 1/2018 dated 22 January 2018

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Report 71/2017

Current Report No. 71/2017 dated 14 December 2017

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Report 70/2017

Current Report No. 70/2017 dated 12 December 2017

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Report 69/2017

Current Report No. 69/201 of December 12, 2017

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Report 68/2017

Current Report No. 68/2017 dated 27 November 2017

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Report no. 67/2017

Current Report No. 67/2017 of November 24, 2017

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Report 66/2017

Current Report No. 66/2017 dated 22 November 2017

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Report 65/2017

Current Report No. 65/2017 of October 18, 2017

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Report 64/2017

Current Report No. 64/2017 dated 27 September 2017

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Report 63/2017

Current Report No. 63/2017 dated 26 September  2017

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Report 62/2017

Current Report No. 62/2017 dated 26 September 2017

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Report 61/2017

Current Report No. 61/2017 dated 17 September 2017

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Report 60/2017

Current Report No. 60/2017 dated 15 September 2017

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Report 59/2017

Current Report No. 59/2017 dated 13 September 2017

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Report 58/2017

Current Report No. 58/2017 dated 29 August 2017

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Report 57/2017

Current Report No. 57/2017 dated 28 August 2017

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Report 56/2017

Current Report No. 56/2017 dated 7 July 2017

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Report 55/2017

Current report 55/2017 dated19 June 2017

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Report 54/2017

Current Report No. 54/2017 dated 9 June 2017

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Report 53/2017

Current Report No. 53/2017 dated 31 May 2017

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Report 52/2017

Current Report No. 52/2017 dated 31st May 2017

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Report 51/2017

Current Report No. 51/2017 dated 31 May 2017

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Report 50/2017

Current Report No. 50/2017 dated 31 May 2017

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Report 49/2017

Current Report No. 49/2017 dated 26 May 2017

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Report 48/2017

Current Report No. 48/2017 dated 23 May 2017

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Report 47/2017

Content of Report:

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Report 46/2017

Current Report No. 46/2017 dated 18 maja 2017

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Report 45/2017

Current Report No. 45/2017 dated 18 May 2017

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Report 44/2017

Current Report No. 44/2017 dated 18 May 2017

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Report 43/2017

Current Report No. 43/2017 dated 17 May 2017

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Report 42/2017

Current Report No. 42/2017 dated 15 May 2017

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Report 41/2017

Current Report No. 41/2017 dated 28 April 2017

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Report 40/2017

Current Report No. 40/2017 dated 26 April 2017

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Report 39/2017

Current Report No. 39/2017 dated 26 April 2017

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Report 38/2017

Current Report No. 38/2017 dated 26 April 2017

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Report 37/2017

Current Report No. 37/2017 dated 26 April 2017

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Report 36/2017

Current Report No. 36/2017 dated 25 April 2017

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Report 35/2017

Current Report No. 35/2017 dated 12 April 2017

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Report 34/2017

Current Report No. 34/2017 dated 4 April 2016

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Report 33/2017

Current Report No. 33/2017 dated 3 April 2017

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Report 32/2017

Current Report No. 32/2017 of 30 March 2017

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Report 31/2017

Current Report No. 31/2017 dated 30 march 2017

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Report 30/2017

Current Report No. 30/2017 dated 29 March 2017

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Report 29/2017

Current Report No. 29/2017 dated 29 March 2017

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Report 28/2017

Current Report No. 28/2017 dated 29 March 2017

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Report 27/2017

Current Report No. 27/2017 dated 29 March 2017

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Report 26/2017

Current Report No. 26/2017 dated 29 March 2017

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Report 25/2017

Current Report No. 25/2017 dated 29 March 2017

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Report 24/2017

Current Report No. 24/2017 dated 17 March 2017

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Report 23/2017

Current Report No. 23/2017 dated 10 March 2017

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Report 22/2017

Current Report No. 22/2017 dated 1 March 2017

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Report 21/2017

Current Report No. 21/2017 dated 1 March 2017

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Report 20/2017

Current Report No. 20/2017 dated 1 March 2017

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Report 19/2017

Current Report No. 19/2017 dated 22 February 2017

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Report 18/2017

Current Report No. 18/2017 dated 10 February 2017

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Report 17/2017

Current Report No. 17/2017 dated 9 February 2017

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Report 16/2017

Current Report No. 16/2017 dated 9 February 2017

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Report 15/2017

Current Report No. 15/2017 dated 9 February 2017

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Report 14/2017

Current Report No. 14/2017 dated 9 February 2017

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Report 13/2017

Current Report No. 13/2017 dated 9 February 2017

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Report 12/2017

Current Report No. 12/2017 dated 9 February 2017

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Report 11/2017

Current Report No. 11/2017 dated 9 February 2017

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Report 10/2017

Current Report no. 10/2017 dated on 9th of February 2017

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Report 9/2017

Current Report No. 9/2017 dated 24 January 2017

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Report 8/2017

Current Report No. 8/2017 dated 5 January 2017

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Report 7/2017

Current Report No. 7/2017 dated 5 January 2017

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Report 6/2017

Current Report No. 6/2017 dated 5 January 2017

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Report 5/2017

Current Report No. 5/2017 dated 5 January 2017

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Report 4/2017

Current Report No. 4/2017 dated 5 January 2017

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Report 3/2017

Current Report No. 3/2017 dated 5 January 2017

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Report 2/2017

Current Report No. 2/2017 dated 5 January 2017

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Report 1/2017

Current Report no. 1/2017 dated on 5th of January 2017

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Report 40/2016

Current Report No. 40/2016 dated 28 December 2016

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Report 39/2016

Current Report No. 39/2016 of 20 December 2016.

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Report 38/2016

Current Report No. 38/2016 dated 7 December 2016

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Report 37/2016

Current Report No. 37/2016 dated 5 December 2016

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Report 36/2016

Current Report No. 36/2016 dated 5 December 2016

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Report 35/2016

Current Report No. 35/2016 dated 5 December 2016

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Report 34/2016

Current Report No. 34/2016 dated 2 December 2016

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Report 33/2016

Current Report No. 33/2016 dated 2 December 2016

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Report 32/2016

Current Report No. 32/2016 of 1 December 2016.

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Report 31/2016

Current Report No. 31/2016 of 30 November 2016.

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Report 30/2016

Current Report No. 30/2016 dated 25 November 2016

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Report 29/2016

Current Report No. 29/2016 of 24 November 2016.

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Report 28/2016

Current Report No. 28/2016 dated 17 November 2016

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Raport 27/2016

Current Report No. 27/2016 dated 16 November 2016

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Report 26/2016

Current Report No. 26/2016 dated 27 October 2016

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Report 25/2016

Current Report No. 25/2016 of 19 October 2016

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Report 24/2016

Current Report No. 24/2016 dated 18 October 2016

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Report 23/2016

Current Report No. 23/2016 dated 17 October 2016

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Report 22/2016

Current report No. 22/2016 dated 14 October 2016

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Report 21/2016

Current Report No. 21/2016 dated 12 October 2016

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Report 20/2016

Current Report No. 20/2016 dated 5 October 2016

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Report 19/2016

**Current Report No. 19/2016 dated 3 October 2016**

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Report 18/2016

Current Report No. 18/2016 dated 26 September 2016

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Report 16/2016

Current Report No. 16/2016 dated 19 July 2016

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Report 15/2016

Current Report No. 15/2016 dated 19 July 2016

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Report 14/2016

Current Report No. 14/2016 dated 7 June 2016

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Report 13/2016

Current Report No. 13/2016 dated 23 May 2016

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Report 12/2016

Current Report No. 12/2016 dated 20 April 2016

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Report 11/2016

Current Report No. 11/2016 dated 20 April 2016

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Report 10/2016

Current Report No. 10/2016 dated 5 April 2016

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Report 9/2016

Current Report No. 9/2016 of 24 March 2016

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Report 8/2016

Current Report No. 8/2016 dated 24 march 2016

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Report 7/2016

Current Report No. 7/2016 dated 16 march 2016

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Report 6/2016

Current Report No. 6/2016 dated 16 February 2016

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Report 5/2016

Current Report No. 5/2016 dated 15 February 2016

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Report 4/2016

Current Report No. 4/2016 dated 15 February 2016

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Report 3/2016

Current Report No. 3/2016 dated 15 January 2016

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Report 2/2016

Current Report No. 2/2016 dated 15 January 2016

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Report 1/2016

Current Report No. 1/2016 dated 15 January 2016

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Report 49/2015

Current Report No. 49/2015 dated 31 December 2015

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Report 48/2015

Current Report No. 48/2015 dated 23 December 2015

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Report 47/2015

Current Report No. 47/2015 dated 19 December 2015

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Report 45/2015

Current Report No. 45/2015 dated 9 December 2015

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Report 46/2015

Current Report No. 46/2015 dated 9 December 2015

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Report 44/2015

Current Report No. 44/2015 dated 9 December 2015

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Report 43/2015

Current Report No. 43/2015 dated 8 December 2015

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Report 42/2015

Current Report No. 42/2015 dated 2 December 2015

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Report 41/2015

Current Report No. 41/2015 dated 30 November 2015

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Report 40/2015

Current Report No. 40/2015 dated 24 October 2015

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Report 39/2015

Current Report No. 39/2015 dated 10 November 2015

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Report 38/2015

Current Report No. 38/2015 dated 9 November 2015

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Report 37/2015

Current Report No. 37/2015 dated 5 November 2015

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Report 36/2015

Current Report No. 36 /2015 dated 4 November 2015

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Report 35/2015

Current Report No. 35 /2015 dated 3 November 2015

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Report 34/2015

Current Report No. 34/2015 dated 30 October 2015

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Report 33/2015

Current Report No. 33 /2015 dated 30 October 2015

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Report 32/2015

Current Report No. 32/2015 dated 13 October 2015

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Report 31/2015

Current Report No. 31/2015 dated 7 October 2015

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Report 30/2015

Current Report No. 30/2015 dated 6 October 2015

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Report 29/2015

Current Report No. 29/2015 dated 18 September 2015

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Report 28/2015

Current Report No. 28/2015 dated 16 September 2015

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Report 27/2015

Current Report No. 27 /2015 dated 31 August 2015

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Report 8/2015

Current Report No. 8/2015 dated 7 May 2015

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Report 26/2015

Current Report No. 26 /2015 dated 21 August 2015

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Raport 25/2015

Current Report No. 25/2015 dated 21 July 2015

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Report 24/2015

Current Report No. 24/2015 dated 23 June 2015

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Report 23/2015

Current Report No. 23/2015 dated 23 June 2015

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Report 22/2015

Current Report No. 22/2015 dated 22 June 2015

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Report 21/2015

Current Report No. 21/2015 dated 15 June 2015

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Report 20/2015

Current Report No. 20/2015 dated 15 June 2015

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Report 19/2015

Current Report No. 19/2015 dated 15 June 2015

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Report 17/2015

Current Report No. [17]/2015 dated 3 June 2015

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Report 16/2015

Current Report No. 16/2015 of 27 May 2015

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Report 15/2015

Current Report No. 15/2015 of 26 May 2015

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Report 14/2015

Current Report No. 14/2015 dated 22 May 2015

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Report 13/2015

Current Report No. 13/2015 dated 20 May 2015

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Report 12/2015

Current Report No. 12/2015 dated 19 May 2015

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Report 11/2015

Current Report No. 11/2015 dated 18 May 2015

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Report 10/2015

Current Report No. 10/2015 dated 14 May 2015

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Report 9/2015

Current Report No. 9/2015 dated 8 May 2015

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Report 18/2015

Current Report No. 18/2015 dated 8 June 2015

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Report 7/2015

Current Report No. 7/2015 dated 6 May 2015

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Report 6/2015

Current Report No. 6/2015 of 6 May 2015

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Report 5/2015

Current Report No. 5/2015 dated 5 May 2015

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Report 4/2015

Current Report No. 4/2015 dated 5 May 2015

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Report 3/2015

Current Report No. 3/2015 dated 4 May 2015

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Report 2/2015

Current Report No. 2/2015 dated 4 May 2015

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Report 1/2015

Current Report No. 1/2015 dated 4 May 2015

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