Motivational programs

Motivaional programs of WP Holding


First incentive scheme

On 23 October 2014, the Company’s shareholders signed an agreement which stipulates the establishment of an incentive scheme granting the Company’s share options to key people working for the Capital Group in which the Company is the Parent Company. The total number of shares earmarked for the scheme is 1,230,576 and this shall not exceed 5% of the Company’s share capital. The rights were awarded on 12 August 2014, and they are vested in the beneficiaries gradually (so-called vesting), on a quarterly basis, as a rule over a period no longer than 6 years. The scheme includes a requirement of being currently employed as a condition for the rights to the options vesting.

In connection with the above arrangements, there is an incentive scheme whose basic principles are defined in Resolution No. 6 of the Extraordinary General Meeting dated 12 December 2014. On the basis of the existing incentive plan, selected members of the Supervisory Board and Management Board as well as selected employees or co-workers of the Company or other companies of the Group which concluded the management option agreement with the Company or other Group’s companies are entitled to acquire Company shares.

The existing incentive scheme includes two phases of the realization of the right to acquire Company shares: (i) acquiring series C shares due to the realization of rights under the management option contract until the end of December 2014 and (ii) acquiring series D shares due to the realization of rights starting from January 2015.

The scheme was classified as an equity settled share-based incentive scheme.

On 20 April 2016, the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting of the Company passed a resolution on changing the existing Incentive Scheme.

According to the introduced changes, the vesting period for Managerial Shares has been extended and can take place no later than 14 January 2025. The participants in the scheme are entitled to acquire the subscription warranties and to subscribe to shares within 10 working days from the end of each subsequent quarter of the acquisition of rights specified in the schedule.

On 26 September 2016, the resolution no. 3 of the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting of the Company was passed. On the basis of the resolution, the subscription warrants issued after the date of adoption of this resolution are non-transferable, the issuance of subscription warrants under the incentive scheme will be carried out by a private placement addressed to no more than 149 entitled people, and shares will be offered by a private placement addressed to no more than 149 entitled people who will be entitled to subscribe to subscription warrants.

The exercise price of the options outstanding as of 30 September 2020 amounted to PLN 12.17.

Second Incentive Scheme

On 15 February 2016, the Supervisory Board of the Company passed a resolution adopting the rules of the new incentive scheme granting the Company’s F series ordinary share options to key people working for the Capital Group in which the Company is the Parent Company. The total number of shares earmarked for the scheme is 593,511 and it shall not exceed 5% of the Company’s share capital.

The issue price of F series shares was determined by the Management Board at PLN 32, which is the price at which the shares were acquired under the initial public offering. Participants in the scheme will be entitled to exercise their rights to shares no later than 5 March 2025, and rights to shares will be acquired gradually in accordance with the schedule set out in individual contracts between the Company and the participants in the scheme. The scheme includes a requirement of being currently employed as a condition for the rights to the options vesting. The participants in the scheme will be able to subscribe to shares within 10 working days from the end of each subsequent quarter; however, the vesting in three consecutive quarters after the day of initial public offering was suspended and was cumulative at the end of the second quarter of 2016.

The scheme was classified as equity settled share-based incentive scheme.

The exercise price of the options outstanding as of 30 September 2020 amounted to PLN 32.