Current Report No. 62/2017 dated 26 September 2017

Receipt of notifications regarding the commencement of negotiations and conclusion of negotiations concerning transactions on shares of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. as well as the the execution of the transaction

*Legal basis: *Article 17 sec. 1 of the Regulations on Market Abuse – confidential information

Content of Report:

The Management Board of Wirtualna Polska Holding S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (“Company”) hereby announces that today, i.e. 26 September 2017, with reference to the report No. 61/2017 of 17 September 2017, the Company has received the information about the conclusion of negotiations between person performing managerial responsibilities in the Company, i.e. Mr Jarosław Mikos – Chairman of Supervisory Board of the Company and (i) the shareholders of the Company and persons performing managerial responsibilities in the Company – Mr Jacek Świderski – the President of the Management Board, Mr Michał Brański – the Member of the Management Board, Mr Krzysztof Sierota – the Member of the Management Board and Ms Elżbieta Bujniewicz – Belka - the Member of the Management Board as well as (ii) other persons related to the Company by employment or cooperating with the Company or the members of the Company’s capital group.

The subject of the negotiations is the sale of all shares of the Company held by Mr Jarosław Mikos (i.e. 56.000 shares). The persons mentioned in the report no. 61/2017 of 17 September 2017 and Mr. Tomasz Domżalski, who today informed the Company about the accession to the negotiations and its completion, took part in the negotiations.
Transaction parties set the transaction price to PLN 44.25 per single share of the Company, with:

1) in relation to companies closely related to Mr. Jacek Świderski, Mr. Krzysztof Sierota and Mr. Michał Brański, it was agreed that the transactions would be package,
2) as for other persons it was agreed that the shares would be sold on the open market of the GPW in the way that Mr. Jarosław Mikos would place an order for the sale of shares, while the interested persons would submit their purchase orders.

The final list of purchasers and the number of shares purchased is defined as follows:

1) Bridge20 Enterprises Limited as a person closely related to Mr. Jacek Świderski - 13,927 shares,
2) Now2 Sp. z o.o. as a person close to Mr Michał Brański - 13 928 shares;
3) Highcastle sp. Z o.o. as a person closely related to Mr. Krzysztof Sierota - 13 928 shares;
4) Mrs. Elżbieta Bujniewicz - Belka - 564 shares;
5) Mr. Jerzy Dąbrówka - 1555 shares;
6) Mr. Tomasz Domżalski - 1 555 shares;
7) Mr. Marcin Gotkiewicz - 555 shares,
8) Mr. Dariusz Górzny - 1555 shares;
9) Mr. Grzegorz Kruk - 1666 shares;
10) Mr. Tomasz Machała - 1111 shares;
11) Mr. Artur Miernik - 1555 shares;
12) Mrs. Joanna Pawlak - 1555 shares;
13) Mr. Adam Plona - 1555 shares.

Today and at the time of publication of this report, the Company has received confirmation of the execution of the transaction from all persons and entities, except for the entity referred to in point 2 above, for which the transaction is expected to be executed on 27 September 2017.

Legal basis: Art. 17 (1) of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) No 596/2016 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on market abuse (abusive market regulation) and repealing Directive 2003/6 / 2003/124 / EC, 2003/125 / EC and 2004/72 / EC.

Signatures of the individuals representing the Company:
Jacek Świderski – President of the Management Board/Chief Executive Officer
Elżbieta Bujniewicz – Belka – Member of the Management Board/Chief Financial Officer